Have you got dark rings and you don't know how to "get rid" of them? Experts advise you to first attend the cause that determined their apparition.
Causes of dark rings:
There are a lot of causes that can determine the appearance of the unaesthetic dark rings, from lack of sleep to diverse dysfunctions of the organism. The skin reflects the health state of each and every one of us. That is why it is advised to live a healthy life style, without excesses: consume 2 liters of liquids per day and keep a close eye on what you eat. Lack of iron in the organism, can also lead to dark rings, that is why, if you want to follow a diet, it is advised to seek the advice of a nutritionist.
- Fatigue is another "culprit" of the appearance of dark rings. Therefore no matter how busy you are, you must make time for your beauty sleep (in other words go to bed before 0.00).
Natural recipes against dark rings:
If, for whatever reason, dark rings have still appeared, you must seek an expert. A therapy of 6-8 sessions of ionization and lymphatic drainage is required to diminish them. One session, in which professional products are used, lasts half an hour. In case results have yet to appear, it is proceeded to the plant extracts professional masks therapy. It is well known that after a certain age, the skin faces different unaesthetic problems. To prevent and attenuate them, it is recommended to seek the advice of a geriatrician, who will prescribe a treatment. The sessions carried out by the cosmetician combine with the treatment prescribed by the geriatrician lead to amazing results.
Of course that the care you benefit from at a beauty salon must be doubled by a careful conduct at home. The skin around the eyes is very delicate, as it lacks sebaceous glands and that is why it needs permanent nourishment and hydration. Two times a day, in the morning and evening, after you removed makeup with a special eye solution, apply a moisturizing cream or cooling gel. Very important is the choice of skin care products (they must have dermatological and eye protection approval). Home made natural recipes are also effective. That is why it is recommended to use corn flower or linden infusions. First apply a thick layer of product against dark rings of which put a compress with a corn flower or linden infusion. Also very effective in removing dark rings are cucumber slices kept in the freezer and then applied, after a couple of minutes, on the eyelids.
Home skin care:
Of course that the care you benefit from at a beauty salon must be doubled by a careful conduct at home. The skin around the eyes is very delicate, as it lacks sebaceous glands and that is why it needs permanent nourishment and hydration. Two times a day, in the morning and evening, after you removed makeup with a special eye solution, apply a moisturizing cream or cooling gel. Very important is the choice of skin care products (they must have dermatological and eye protection approval). Home made natural recipes are also effective. That is why it is recommended to use corn flower or linden infusions. First apply a thick layer of product against dark rings of which put a compress with a corn flower or linden infusion. Also very effective in removing dark rings are cucumber slices kept in the freezer and then applied, after a couple of minutes, on the eyelids.
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