Saturday, October 9, 2010

Natural Foot Scrub & Lotion

Our feet are all too often hidden from view and neglected, especially during the colder winter months. Out of sight and out of mind - that is, until they start aching, flaking, cracking or getting sore! Perhaps we don't always appreciate the work our feet do until they're not working properly.
The simple fact is that we only have one pair of feet to last us a lifetime, and should pay them the respect they deserve for getting us around every day. And when summer arrives, it's a much better prospect to unveil a pair of perfectly pristine pedicured tootsies than two cracked-heeled and scaly feet!
The easiest solution to keeping your feet in tip-top condition is to make your own natural foot scrub and lotion, and apply regularly. The foot scrub will help to gently exfoliate the dead skin cells, whilst foot lotion will help to keep your foot's skin supple and soft.

Before applying this natural foot scrub and lotion recipe, you can give the especially hard skin areas on your feet a helping hand. After soaking in the bath, a pumice stone can be gently rubbed over the offending areas to help wear down thickened skin that commonly occurs on the heels. 

Foot Scrub Recipe 

Making your own foot scrub is so easy! The first simplest recipe you can use for a foot scrub is using sea salt and olive oil. Firstly soak your feet in warm water. Then simply add a teaspoon of sea salt to a few milliliters of olive oil, and massage over your feet before washing off. The olive oil is a fantastic skin moisturizer that helps to condition your toenails, whilst the sea salt gently exfoliates your skin.
However, there are more exotic recipes for foot scrubs that will leave your feet smelling gorgeous. For a more rejuvenating herbal recipe, you'll need:
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Sea Salt
Firstly, you will need to measure out around one and a half cups of sea salt and add around 4 tablespoons of sweet almond oil. Make sure to combine the mixture evenly. Then simply add two or three drops of both the lavender and peppermint essential oils to the mixture.
Once you've soaked your feet in warm water for around 5 minutes, you can then gently massage the foot scrub all over your feet, before rinsing off. Again, the salt acts as a natural exfoliate, whilst the sweet almond oil gently softens, nourishes and moisturizes. The lavender essential oil adds a soothing tone, and the peppermint revives and revitalizes.

Foot Lotion Recipes
Foot lotion or cream tends to be thicker than general all-body moisturizers. It's therefore a good idea to make up a batch of your own natural foot lotion at home - so that you can focus on pampering your feet in the way that they deserve!
As above, you can use some basic natural ingredients in place of commercial lotions and moisturizers. Making your own foot lotion can be amazingly easy. For instance, almond oil, olive oil and jojoba oil are all great starter ingredients that will leave your feet irresistibly smooth.

Other foot 'foods' that nourish and moisturize the skin include mashed banana combined with honey and lemon juice. You can apply this mixture to your feet, put on a pair of old socks and leave overnight. In the morning remove the socks, wash your feet and hey presto - stunningly smooth skin!
Avocado is also another great natural ingredient in place of foot lotion. Simply mash and apply in the same way for exceptional results.

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